Equine feces Collection System comprising a Reservoir for Collecting Stool Body, a collector of feces in the form of Tube with a stool output connected to the input of the collecting Tank and an Inlet adapted to face the anal area driving the animal excrement to said deposit.
Equine feces Collection System comprising a Reservoir for Collecting faecesA Body excrement Collector Tube shaped Stool with an outlet connected to the inlet of the collecting Tank and an Inlet adapted to face the anal area of animalDriving the excrement for the deposit.Sistema de recogida de heces de equino, comprende un depósito para recogida de heces, un órgano recolector de excrementos en forma de tubo con una salida de heces conectada a la entrada del depósito de recogida y una boca de entrada adaptada para enfrentarse a la zona anal del animal conduciendo los excrementos a dicho depósito.