That health supplements that contain (maca), food additives, feed, feed additives, pharmaceutical compositions, and to provide a method of manufacturing the [challenge] Chiashido Maca and (chia seed). It contains as a main component Chiashido derived from a plant, maca extract powder or its diet zinc germanium, selenium, or can be further added, if necessary, and dietary supplements of the present invention comprises, biological and weight loss, fatigue, increase endurance, improve blood circulation, reduction of cholesterol, reduction of inflammation, increased immunity, increase of sex hormones, skin care, sickness removal, nicotine removed by biochemical aspects and Manabu , bowel function such as improvement of infertility breath freshening, eliminating body odor, or tonic,, there is an excellent effect in improving the prevention and treatment of liver dysfunction or sexual function. [Selection] Figure Figure 1【課題】チアシード(chia seed)とマカ(maca)を含む健康補助食品、食品添加剤、飼料、飼料添加剤、薬学組成物、及びその製造方法を提供すること。【解決手段】本発明の健康補助食品などは、植物に由来するチアシード、マカ、その粉末又は抽出物を主成分として含有し、必要に応じてゲルマニウム、セレニウム、又は食餌亜鉛がさらに添加でき、生物学及び生化学的側面で体重減量や、疲労回復、持久力の増進、血液循環の改善、コレステロールの減少、炎症の減少、免疫力の増大、性ホルモンの増大、皮膚美容、宿酔除去、ニコチン除去、口臭除去、体臭除去、強壮、又は不妊の改善などといった腸機能、性機能又は肝機能障害の予防及び改善に卓越した効果がある。【選択図】図1