The insect trapping device time of day, weather-specific and driven by the battery voltage variable intake and capture efficiency by pests can be improved, and the suction insect trapping device which can extend the battery life of a control method is provided. Inhaled pest trap apparatus for generating power from solar photovoltaic modules A battery that stores power supplied from the solar cell module Is driven by using the battery power source, providing a light guide light for inducing the pest insects Is driven by using the battery power source, a suction fan for sucking the induced pest insects along guide light GPS receiver in response to the insect trapping device is installed position receiving the location information and time information Rainfall to provide the weather information around the insect trapping device, a sensor unit for sensing the humidity and temperature Obtaining location information and time information from the GPS receiver, to acquire the weather information in accordance with the signal detected by the sensor unit, to determine the voltage of the battery, the position information and time information, weather information and the battery voltage in response to the time slot, Variable stars and battery voltage to control the weather by the guide light control signal and a suction fan control signal And a guide light suction fan drive signal for driving the driving signal and for driving the suction fan pest guide light includes a driver for outputting respectively. In this case, the control and pest control based on the time that the activity be exhibited from sunrise 1 hours and 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before the night from 10 pm to strongly drive the pests guide light and suction fan, has passed the night 10:00 days from the date control exhibited by one hours drive to weaken just before it.해충 포획장치를 시간대별, 날씨별 및 배터리 전압별로 가변 구동시킴으로써 해충 흡입 및 포획 효율을 향상시킬 수 있고, 배터리 수명을 연장시킬 수 있는 흡입식 해충 포획장치 및 그 제어 방법이 제공된다. 흡입식 해충 포획장치는, 태