The scanning multi-scale retinal imaging system (200) comprises, according to one example, a detecting and lighting module (210) suitable for emitting a lighting beam and detecting a beam reemitted by the retina, a module (231) for scanning the lighting beam and the re-emitted beam, a first optical channel, called the "large field" channel, and a second optical channel, called the "small-field channel", for focusing the lighting beam on the retina and receiving the beam reemitted by the retina. The "large field" channel comprises a first optical system (205, 201) that is for example intended to conjugate a plane of rotation of the scanning module and the plane (17) of the entrance pupil of the eye (10). The "small field" channel comprises a wavefront-correcting device (250), a second optical system (257, 256, 253) that is intended to conjugate a plane of rotation of the scanning module and the useful surface of the wavefront-correcting device, and a third optical system, comprising at least one portion of the first optical system, allowing a conjugation between the useful surface of the correcting device and the plane of the entrance pupil of the eye. The scanning multi-scale retinal imaging system furthermore comprises at least one first redirecting optical element (241) that allows the beam reemitted by the retina to be sent to either or both of the first and second imaging channels, and that is intended to be positioned in the first imaging channel, between the common portion of the first and third optical systems and the scanning module, and in the second imaging channel, between the common portion of the first and third optical systems and the wavefront-correcting device.Le système (200) d'imagerie à balayage de la rétine multi-échelle comprend selon un exemple un module d'éclairage et de détection (210) adapté pour l'émission d'un faisceau d'éclairage et la détection d'un faisceau réémis par la rétine, un module de balayage (231) du faisceau d'éclairage et du