Does the invention refer to an "invention"? A semi-mechanized sugar cane planter for planting with low levels of tolettes and deposition to a homogeneous spread in the groove? ,equipped with platform 1 for storing sugarcane tolets from 300 to 500 millimetres, tractor coupling 2, South metal rod 3, fertiliser tank 4, which releases its contents into the open furrow through an endless 5-screw mechanism powered by hydraulic motor touched by the hydraulic tractor which deposits the fertiliser directly into the conductive chute 6, system for distributing sugar cane tolets, composed of seats to operator 7, rotary drum 8 with hydraulic actuation armed with a plurality of cylindrical reservoirs 9, conductive gutter 6, base structure 10 aligned to the gutter,Current 11 powered by a hydraulic motor 12 touched by the hydraulic system of the tractor which transfers power to a wreath and pine-type mechanism 13, liquid inlet tank 14, electric motor 15 which carries out pressurization of the system connected to the electrical outlet of the tractor, compressor wheel 16, ensuring that they are accommodated and leveled on the ground, a covering mechanism consisting of a pair of 17-disc coupled discs that lay land on the canopy, closing the planting groove.a invenção se refere a uma ?plantadora semi-mecanizada de cana-de-açúcar para o plantio com baixa quantidade de toletes e deposição a um espaçamento homogêneo no sulco?, dotada de plataforma 1 para armazenamento de toletes de cana-de-açúcar de300 a 500 milímetros, engate 2 para trator, haste metálica sulcadora 3, reservatório para adubo 4, que lança seu conteúdo no sulco aberto através de mecanismo de rosca sem fim 5 acionado por motor hidráulico tocado pelo hidráulico do trator que deposita o adubo diretamente na calha condutora 6, sistema de distribuição de toletes de cana de açúcar, composto por assento para o operador 7, tambor giratório 8 com acionamento hidráulico munido de uma pluralidade de reservatórios cilíndricos 9, calha