A tie and run type of physiological parameters detecting device uses a elastic tape to surround the artery at measuring part of the body, an irregular shape soft bag filled with fluid is attached on the tape to transfer the pressure wave on the artery toward the pressure transducer. This analog signal from transducer is transferred to digital one then through spectrum analysis, and compared with that of normal people to assess the health condition of the circulatory system. In the inside of the elastic tape that contacts the skin, temperature, conductivity and light scattering device can be added to measure additional physiological parameters, such as to monitor body temperature, sweat, and oxygen content.一種即綁即用之生理偵測裝置,以彈性綁帶,將待測身體部位動脈加以環繞,以不定型之軟袋充滿流体作為傳送壓力之用,將動脈之壓力波送到壓力轉換器,再經A/D(類比/數位)轉換,以頻譜分析方法與正常之頻譜比較,判別循環系統之健康狀態。此綁帶內側與皮膚接觸面,可加裝溫度計,導電計,以及光散射元件,作為體溫,出汗,及含氧量之生理監視。(1)‧‧‧手腕(2)‧‧‧軟質彈性帶(3)‧‧‧硬質彈性帶(4)‧‧‧壓力傳感器(5)‧‧‧信號分析裝置(6)‧‧‧動脈(7)‧‧‧不規則形狀軟袋(8)‧‧‧溫度偵測(9)‧‧‧導電偵測(10)‧‧‧光學偵測