Antimicrobial pharmaceutical composition for oral, poly-septic use, useful for the hygiene and treatment of oral diseases of bacterial, fungal or viral etiology, over-the-counter, without contraindications and which does not have a phenolic or chlorophenolic compound, consisting of a mixture of peroxide hydrogen, eugenol, camphor, zinc sulfate, sodium fluoride, xylitol, cetylpyridinium chloride and excipients. This formulation serves to deodorize, disinfect, astrinch and deflate the oral environment, prevents the neo formation of bacterial plaque, prevents the occurrence of dental caries, inhibits the formation of dental tartar, improves the resistance of teeth against decay, cures and prevents oral aphthous ulcers. It also serves to irrigate and cure periodontal sacs, fistulas, abscesses, alveolitis necrosis and pulp gangrene, helps prevent oral diseases during orthodontic treatments, post oral surgeries and in patients with fixed and removable prostheses, relieve, cure or prevent oral diseases in patients in radiotherapy or chemotherapy, in-hospital and terminal patients. Finally, it is a useful medicine to protect the oral health of systemic patients, patients with nutritional, endocrine, hematological, cardiovascular and psychosomatic disorders as well as physically or mentally diminished patients or with genetic or hereditary alterations.Composición farmacéutica antimicrobiana de uso oral, poliantiséptica, útil para la higiene y tratamiento de las enfermedades bucales de etiología bacteriana, micótica o viral, de venta libre, sin contraindicaciones y que no posee compuesto fenólicos o clorofenólicos, que consiste en una mezcla de peróxido de hidrógeno, eugenol, alcanfor, sulfato de zinc, fluoruro de sodio, xilitol, cloruro de cetilpiridinio y excipientes. Esta formulación sirve para desodorizar, desinfectar, astringir y desinflamar el medio bucal, evita la neo formación de placa bacteriana, previene la ocurrencia de caries dentales, inhibe la formación de sarro