1. A method for taking penetrating substances through a biological membrane of an animal comprising forming a plurality of delivery openings in a shell, wherein the opening depth of the majority of said delivery openings is from about 40 to about 90 mkm.2. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein the depth of the hole most of said apertures is from about 50 to about 70 mkm.3. A method according to claim. 2, wherein the average depth of the plurality of delivery openings is from about 55 to about 65 mkm.4. A method according to claim. 3, wherein the depth of the holes of said delivery openings falls within one standard deviation of approximately 60 mkm.5. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein the depth of the holes of said delivery openings falls within one standard deviation of approximately 90 mkm.6. A method of taking drugs transdermally through a biological membrane of an animal comprising forming a plurality of delivery openings through a membrane, wherein said delivery openings have a distribution that results in a bell curve, and the average depth of said delivery openings is from about 40 to about 90 mkm.7. A method according to claim. 6, wherein the depth of the hole most of said apertures is from about 50 to about 70 mkm.8. A method according to claim. 7, wherein the average depth of the plurality of delivery openings is from about 55 to about 65 mkm.9. A method according to claim. 8, wherein the depth of the holes of said delivery openings falls within one media1. Способ взятия проникающих веществ через биологическую оболочку животного, предусматривающий формирование множества отверстий доставки в оболочке, причем глубина отверстия большинства указанных отверстий доставки составляет от приблизительно 40 до приблизительно 90 мкм.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором глубина отверстия большинства указанных отверстий составляет от приблизительно от 50 до приблизительно 70 мкм.3. Способ по п. 2, в котором средняя глубина множества отверстий доставки составляет от приб