The invention aims to present an innovative generic rehabilitation and evaluation equipment, which integrates high technologies in order to assist and/or replace the human labor usually required to carry out rehabilitation training. Through computer control, rehabilitation quality can be maintained at a higher level. Meanwhile, all data generated from the rehabilitation training could be stored in the database and will be used by medical staff for further treatment evaluation.This proposed system is composed mainly of three parts, including a main server, a rehabilitation training platform and a mobile monitoring device. A wireless communication technique is used to connect these three parts. Internet and mobile communication technology are integrated into the system to extend the monitoring and control distance. Through collecting the pain scale of the patient, a nested loop evaluation mechanism is used to determine the rehabilitation flow. A programmable alert mechanism is embedded to maintain a safe rehabilitation environment through a user friendly operating interface, where the patient and medical staff are allowed to set up control parameters based on their responses and needs. The results show that the proposed system can be safely used to replace human massage, thus, rehabilitation manpower can be tremendously reduced. The self-learning mechanism will provide the patient an adaptive training environment, and better treatment can be achieved as a result. In addition, a complete electronic training data collection used during the training processes will construct an e-portfolio and greatly help diagnosis or therapy in the future. Furthermore, reliable rehabilitation quality can be maintained, and therapists’ industrial injuries resulting from repetitive manual therapies can therefore be prevented.本發明關於一種復健按摩系統,主要在於在發展一套限制進程的按摩機台,以及具備自我學習的肢體肌肉筋膜疼痛復健及評估系統,使得患者可以依每日身體狀況在治療師設定的範圍內進行復健,整體復健療程都是透過電腦監控機器完成,同時完成療程電子履歷記錄,醫護人員或治療、復健人員可以透過行動通訊技術進行個別病患監控,並可以透過電腦進行療效評估,系統同