4、 Computer data digital information interface system and method for health prevention, general medical protection and emergency rescue of people at risk by facial scanning
This is a medical evaluation, diagnosis and treatment system, which is used for health screening in primary health care prevention, general medical protection and emergency medical assistance, information digitization, and access to information at all stages of information (evaluation, diagnosis, treatment). And / or training,a. Through the facial scanning of the relevant personnel, including the functionally interrelated resource combination, it can be defined as: scanning facial recognition: the core relationship between the patient and the medical information contained in the central management platform; Patient / user: place all health records entered into the system on his / her face; doctor intervention: check the patient / user, complete and classify the medical data of the patient; management center: large data processing, analysis and information management platform;Occasional lifeguards: enter the system by performing a face scan (or equivalent encrypted image scan) of an individual; support and support an audio-visual tutorial to run and operate on an RCP (on line) closer to the location of the drug control agency where the incident occurred.Se trata de un sistema de evaluación, diagnóstico y terapéutica médica, para screening de salud en prevención primaria de la salud, protección médica general, y rescate en emergencias médicas, con digitalización de la información y acceso a la misma, en todas y cada una de sus fases, (evaluatorias, diagnósticas, terapéuticas, y/o de capacitación), mediante un escaneo facial de la persona en cuestión. Comprende una combinación de recursos funcionalmente vinculados entre sí que pueden definirse de la siguiente manera: reconocimiento facial por escaneo: enlace núcleo entre el paciente y su información médica contenida en la plataforma central de administración; paciente / usuario: alberga en su rostro todo su historial de salud ingresado al presente sistema; médico interviniente: examina al paciente / usuario, completa y