A system and method for purifying air via low-energy, in-situ regenerated silica-titania composites is described. The silica-titania composites can be synthesized with various pore sizes, photocatalyst loadings, and surface area, and can be applied in pellet/granular form or powdered and coated onto a surface. The system may operate with continuous UV irradiation for continuous oxidation of pollutants and inactivation of pathogens. Alternatively, the system may operate with intermittent UV irradiation, whereby pollutants are adsorbed in the absence of light, followed by oxidation of sorbed pollutants and regeneration of silica-titania composites upon irradiation with UV light. The oxidation/regeneration step may or may not incorporate sweep air. This system and method may be used for removing pollutants, such as Volatile Organic Compounds, from aircraft cabins, space exploration vehicles and architectures, mass transit vehicles, and residential and commercial buildings.