The present work requires the granting of a patent to the mechanically harvesting equipment of soil oil palm bunches, in normally uneven and trunked cropland. The "carreamento" activity consists of removing clusters of fruit harvested by a cutting team manually from the planting area. The carriage is commonly performed by a motorized traction load compartment or by animals, being manually lifted from the ground with a pointed tool (spit). The creation of the hydraulic arm coupled to the tractor came to replace the workforce of the activity, but reduced the performance, since in each bunch the tractor needs to reduce the speed to perform the maneuvering of the bunch, contrary to the prejudice that mechanization comes to increase yield. The palm oil gatherer implement will maintain a constant operating speed during the process, characterized by a set of wheels, one of which has a smaller diameter and claws that hold the curls and elevate them to the cargo compartment. Palm oil is the most consumed vegetable oil in the world and is characterized by low mechanization in the agricultural procedures of the crop, which shows the relevance of the present work.o presente trabalho vem a requerer concessão de patente ao equipamento recolhedor de cachos de palma de óleo do solo de forma mecânica, em terrenos de plantios normalmente com desníveis e troncos. a atividade ?carreamento¿ consiste em retirar da área de plantio cachos de frutos colhidos por uma equipe de corte manualmente. o carreamento realizado comumente por compartimento de carga com tração motorizada ou por animais, sendo recolhido do chão manualmente com ferramenta pontiaguda (espeto). a criação do braço hidráulico acoplado ao trator veio a substituir a mão de obra da atividade, porem reduziu o rendimento, já que em cada cacho e necessário o trator reduzir a velocidade para realizar a manobra de recolhimento do cacho, contrariando o preconceito que a mecanização vem a aumentar rendimento. o implemento recolhedor d