The invention relates to ornamental and applied cosmetology, particularly to permanent face-making, micropigmenting and dermapigmentation. Micropigmenting is mechanical introduction of special pigment into the skin using one or more needles. Micropigmenting is carried out using a dermograph device, consisting of a body with motor, block, and disposable plastic sterile heads and disposable sterile needles. A small amount of liquid pigment is taken upon needle tip of operated device, and it is applied to dry site being pigmented. Pigmentation is performed at surface only. Position of needle is perpendicular to skin surface at contact point. Motion of needle starts arc-wise, with sliding touch, at no pressure, directed to operator. Amount of really implanted pigment is objectively controlled by vision. Duration of manipulations with needle is limited by period of 30 to 40 minutes, thus allowing to maintain optimal skin integrity and avoid inflammatory reaction to the procedure. Pigment is applied in most minor amounts, by semitransparent layers, onto site being treated, thus allowing to augment colour intensity to desired tint and change colour from layer to layer. Skin surface remains dry on the drawing site. Dispersion of a pigment makes transparent drawing, but if needed, repeating the treatment many times, more opaque picture may be achieved while maintaining optimal skin integrity and without resembling a transferred picture. Micropigmentation method is characterised by peculiar crackling sound of surface contacts of dermograph needle to skin, and clearly discernible "rasterization" (dotted impregnation) of applied pigment. Technical result of micropigmentation method is achieved due to enhanced pigment introduction using a needle, which excludes contact with blood. Motions of needle within skin are discrete the procedure is less traumatic, and annoying feeling are reduced for the customer any infection of customer or operator is excluded. Prognosable longevity an