FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: to correct and prevent age-related changes in the face area, needles are placed at least in one face area. In each area, the needles are placed in at least two layers of the face tissue - one of the skin layers and the muscle layer within one region of the head. One layer of needle placement includes: dermis - the needles are placed parallel to the skin, the angle of needle placement relative to the skin surface is up to 5 degrees. In case of wrinkles, the needles are installed along the wrinkles, and in the absence of wrinkles, the needles are placed along the Langer lines hypodermis (subcutaneous fat layer) - the needles are placed at an acute angle of 15 to 30 degrees. Another layer of needle placement is the muscle layer where the needles are placed in the middle and lower third of the face - perpendicular to the skin surface, and in the upper third of the face - along the muscle fibers.EFFECT: method provides one-time skin lifting, alignment of the contours, elimination or reduction of wrinkles, improving the trophicity of all layers of the facial tissues involved in age-related changes, and stimulating regeneration by setting the needles in one procedure in one face area due to the depth of exposure, direction and angle of needle placement, needle manipulation during installation, and time of needle placement in the tissues, which has a simultaneous multidirectional effect on various anatomical layers.7 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к косметологии, и предназначено для коррекции и профилактики возрастных изменений в области лица. Для этого проводят постановку игл в хотя бы одну область лица. В каждую область иглы ставят в не менее чем в два слоя тканей лица - один из слоев кожи и мышечный слой в пределах одной области головы. Один слой постановки игл включает: дерму - иглы устанавливают параллельно коже, угол постановки игл по отношению к поверхности кожи до 5 градусов, причем при наличии морщин иглы устанавливают