The invention relates to a hopsital bed (3) with a chassis (2), with fourrollers (4) arranged on the chassis (2), and with at least one furtherauxiliary roller (1) that can be brought into contact with the floor or canalternatively be driven, wherein the auxiliary roller (1) is mounted on arigid frame (5) and, together with the frame (5), can be raised or loweredrelative to the chassis (2) by pivoting, wherein a drive motor (9) secured onthe frame (5) is additionally provided for the auxiliary roller (1), and aseparate pivot drive (23) is provided for raising and lowering the auxiliaryroller (1). To advantageously design a hospital bed of this type in the mannerspecified at the outset, it is proposed that the separate pivot drive (23) issecured entirely on the frame (5) and pivots with the latter.