1. A method for diagnosis of pneumonia caused by bacteria genes NDM-1 and mutations, characterized in that it comprises exposure to ultraviolet radiation for probing genes samples bacteria NDM-1 and mutations, and studied the trachea, the subsequent analysis of the secondary fluorescent light, wherein the plurality of pre-measured repeatedly values of the levels of the spectral components of the secondary fluorescent emission from calibration samples NDM-1 gene and their mutations in bacteria (pathology and its types) without NDM-1 infected trachea (normal) defined fissioning plurality of obtained values of levels of the spectral components by type of pathology and norm as diagnostic criteria for each examination of the patient trachea in real time similarly repeatedly measured set of spectral components of level values of the secondary fluorescent emission, resulting set of spectral components of a secondary fluorescent emission values of levels as a spectral image turn correlate with preformed diagnostic cal criteria, norms and types of pathology are the closest approximation to one of the diagnostic criteria, which determines diagnoz.2. Automated apparatus for the diagnosis of pneumonia caused by genes bacteria NDM-1 and mutations, characterized in that it comprises structurally combined illumination channel with the eyepiece and the objective lens and the instrument channel of the bronchoscope, the two optical fiber groups, the group of controlled optical effects sources spectrometer simulator pathology and simulator standards, personal computers, and1. Способ диагностики пневмонии, вызванной генами бактерии NDM-1 и их мутациями, отличающийся тем, что включает воздействие ультрафиолетовым зондирующим излучением на образцы генов бактерии NDM-1 и их мутаций и исследуемую трахею, последующий анализ вторичного флуоресцентного свечения, причем предварительно многократно измеряют совокупности значений уровней спектральных составляющих вторичного флуоресцентног