The present invention is directed to an antimicrobial composition, comprisingpyrithione or a pyrithione complex; and a zinc or copper or silver sourceselectedfrom the group consisting of zinc or copper or silver salts, oxides,hydroxides,sulfates, chlorides, metals, and combinations thereof; wherein the weightratio of thezinc or copper or silver source to the pyrithione or the pyrithione complex isin therange from about 1:300 to about 50:1, and wherein the antimicrobialcomposition hasan enhanced biocidal effect against a variety of free-living microorganisms orbiofilms. Also disclosed is a method of inhibiting the growth of free-livingmicroorganisms or biofilm utilizing the above antimicrobial composition, aswell asuse of such antimicrobial compositions in various products including fuels,fluids,lubricants, coatings, adhesives, sealants, elastomers, soaps, cosmetics,plastic orwoven or non-woven fibers, pharmaceuticals, and as preservatives for the aboveproducts.