An eyeball movement detection device (1) comprises an output of a far infrared sensor (11) having directionality at an end on the inner side of the eyeball on the exposed surface of the eye and an output of a far point having directivity at an end portion of the exposed surface of the eyeball on the outer side of the eye Eye movement in the lateral direction of the eye is detected based on the temporal transition of the difference from the output of the infrared sensor (12). As a result, eye movement is detected with non-contact, light weight, and low power consumption.眼球運動検出装置(1)は、眼球の露出表面における目頭側の端部に指向性を有する遠赤外線センサ(11)の出力と、眼球の露出表面における目尻側の端部に指向性を有する遠赤外線センサ(12)の出力との差の時間的推移に基づき、目の左右方向における眼球運動を検出する。これにより、非接触、軽量、かつ低消費電力で眼球運動を検出する。