A container (20) for delivering a nutritive substance which protects the nutritive substance from contact with the contents of the container (20) and from contact with the atmosphere until the consumer is ready to use or consume the product. When desired, a seal (13) on the container (20) is altered such that the nutritive substance can come into contact with the container contents, delivering the nutritive substance thereto.一種用來輸送營養物質的容器(20),其保護該營養物質不與該容器(20)的內容物接觸及不與大氣接觸直到消費者打算要使用或飲用該產品為止。當有需要時,一在該容器(20)上的密封件(13)被改變使得該營氧物質可與該容器的內容物接觸,輸送該營養物質至該等內容物處。