A medical closure screen device for a separation of first and second tissue portions isprovided, which includes a mesh screen comprising tubular vertical risers, verticalstrands with barbed filaments, and horizontal spacers connecting the risersand strands in a grid-like configuration. An optional perimeter member partlysurrounds the screen and can comprise a perimeter tube fluidically coupled withthe vertical risers to form a tubing assembly. Various input/output devices canoptionally be connected to the perimeter tube ends for irrigating and/or drainingthe separation according to methodologies of the present invention. Separationclosure, irrigation and drainage methodologies are disclosed utilizing variouscombinations of closure screens, tubing, sutures, fluid transfer elements andgradient force sources. The use of mechanical forces associated with barbed strandsfor repositionably securing separated tissues together is disclosed. The useof same for eliminating or reducing the formation of subcutaneous voids or pockets,which can potentially form hematoma and seroma effects, is also disclosed. Furtherdisclosed are alternative embodiment medical closure screen installation systemsand methods.