A worsened head force of the user by the support lack of conventional pillows, effectively improve the view to easily generate a situation snoring, providing a pillow which has the effect of relaxing the head, neck pressure whereby .A pillow body includes a headrest portion, a necklace portion, and both lateral depression portions, and the portions between the pillow main body and the pillow main body are separated by a groove between the pillow main body and the pillow main body, and are used during sleeping When the person moves his / her head, the necklace part 12 does not cause the problem of lowering the quality of sleep by easily causing the head part to move due to insufficient support due to collapse at the same time, The protruding shape is formed higher, effectively maintaining communication of the upper airway when the user is in a supine position, and it is possible to achieve the effect of decreasing snoring situation. In addition, by providing the spacer below the pillow main body 10, the spacer is provided with air permeability toward the users back, etc., and comfort during sleeping can be enhanced.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION【課題】従来の枕の支持不足によって使用者の頭頸姿勢が悪くなり、いびきをかく状況を発生させやすい点を有効に改善し、それによって頭・頸部圧力を緩和する効果を有する枕を提供する。【解決手段】枕本体10を含み、枕本体10は、ヘッドレスト部11、ネックレスト部12及び両側臥位部13を含み、これら各部の間の溝によって各部間が独立性し、睡眠中に使用者が頭部を移動する場合、各部が同時に陥没を伴って支持不足を引き起こして容易に頭部を移動させることで睡眠の質を低下させるという問題を引き起こさず、ネックレスト部12がヘッドレスト部11より高く突起状を形成し、使用者の仰臥時に上気道の疎通を有効に維持し、いびきをかく状況を減少させる効果を果たせる。また、枕本体10の下方にスペーサーを設置することより、使用者の背中方向等への通気性を備え、睡眠時の快適性を高めることができる。【選択図】図1