The present invention is to provide an automated anti-snoring bed system, which includes a bed designed to support a user lying thereon and internally provided with a driving device, a sensing device able to send out a detection signal toward the user's chest at regular intervals of time and receive a reflected signal returning from the user in response to the detection signal, and a control device. When the sensing device determines that the user is snoring according to the reflected signal, the sensing device sends out a control command to the control device and the control device then drives the driving device to change the configuration of the bed to a mode for stopping the user from snoring. Thus, the user is prevented not only from sleep disorders, but also from sleep apnea which may otherwise jeopardize the user's sleeping quality and health.本發明係一種自動化止鼾床具系統,包括一床具、一感測裝置及一控制裝置,其中該床具係供一使用者躺臥,且該床具內設有一驅動裝置,該驅動裝置能改變該床具的構形;該感測裝置能朝向該使用者的胸腔位置,週期性地發出一偵測訊號,該偵測訊號接觸到使用者後,即以反射的方式,返回一反射訊號,該感測裝置能接收自該使用者返回之該反射訊號,且根據該偵測訊號與該反射訊號,計算出使用者胸腔的位移量,並根據該位移量判斷該使用者是否為打鼾狀態,當該感測裝置判斷該使用者處於打鼾狀態的情況下,即發出一控制指令;該控制裝置能接收該控制指令,並根據該控制指令,驅動該驅動裝置,使該驅動裝置受驅動後帶動該床具,使該床具的構形變換為止鼾模式,以改變使用者的睡姿,進而令使用者停止打鼾。藉由本發明之設計,即能在使用者開始打鼾之際,即時地改變使用者的睡姿,以中斷使用者的打鼾,不僅有效避免睡眠障礙的發生,更能避免使用者因睡眠呼吸中止症等問題而影響睡眠品質及健康。由於本發明係以無線傳輸訊號的方式,對使用者進行測量,因此,使用者完全無須在身上黏貼電極,亦不需配戴任何配件,不僅能防止使用者產生不適感,更能有效避免皮膚過敏或病變等情事發生。