In the present invention, the rice bran powder is directly burned to produce eco-friendly inorganic salt crystals, and the inorganic salt crystals are reacted and dissolved in a sulfuric acid solution to produce a mixture of inorganic salt crystals dissolved by a sulfuric acid reaction to be made of sterilized water to produce pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing sterilized water by effectively killing 100% of the back, diluting sterilized water with distilled water, and directly dissolving the rice bran, which is used as a natural preservative, to dissolve inorganic salt crystals in a sulfuric acid solution.본 발명은 쌀겨분말을 직화연소시켜 친환경적인 무기염류결정체를 생성하여 이 무기염류결정체를 황산용액에 반응용해하여 황산반응에 의해 용해된 무기염류결정체혼합액으로 생성하여 살균수로 제조되어 병원성 세균 및 진균 등을 효과적으로 100% 사멸시키도록 하고, 살균수를 증류수에 희석하여 천연방부제로 사용하도록 한 쌀겨를 직화연소시켜 무기염류결정체를 황산용액에 용해시켜 살균수를 제조방법에 관한 것이다.