Disclosed is a Foley catheter which comprises a main tube, a positioning balloon portion, a urine drainage branch tube, an irrigation branch tube and a breaking portion. The main tube has a urine drainage lumen and an irrigation lumen. One end of the main tube has the positioning balloon portion communicated with the irrigation lumen, and the other end extends to form the urine drainage branch tube communicated with the urine drainage lumen and the irrigation branch tube communicated with the irrigation lumen. The breaking portion is formed at any one of positions including the position at the main tube, the urine drainage branch tube and the middle section of the irrigation branch tube, wherein the breaking portion is disposed in such a manner that the breaking portion will be broken when a tweak force exceeding a predetermined value is applied so that the Foley catheter is divided into two sections or the fluid in the positioning balloon portion flows out.一種導尿管,包含:一主導管、一定位囊部、一排尿分管、一注射分管及一扯斷部;主導管具有一導尿腔及一注射腔,其一端設有連通於注射腔的定位囊部且另一端延伸分接於連通於導尿腔之排尿分管、以及連通於注射腔之注射分管;扯斷部形成於主導管、排尿分管、及注射分管中間段的至少一個位置,經設置在受超過一預定大小之拉扯力時而斷裂,而使導尿管直接斷裂為二個個體,或使定位囊部內的液體泄出。