Irrigation distributor with self-regulated flow, comprising a hollow body (3) that defines in its interior an upstream cavity (9) that communicates with an inlet opening (10), and a downstream cavity (11) that communicates with an outlet opening (12), the indicated cavities being upstream and downstream (9, 11) separated from each other by an elastic membrane (16), the elastic membrane (16) being able to be deformed by applying against a surface of support (18) provided in the cavity downstream (11) in order to close the free access to the indicated outlet opening (12), a groove (19) being provided in the indicated support surface (18) in order defining, by cooperating with the membrane (16), a variable section flow regulation channel comprising at one of its ends an inlet (20) of the cavity downstream (11) and at its opposite end an outlet (21) towards the indicated exit opening (12), presenting the indicated support surface (18) of the membrane (16) in the indicated cavity downstream (11) the shape of a vault defining the maximum deformation of the membrane (16) into said cavity downstream (11), characterized in that the said elastic membrane (16) is perforated by a circulation opening (17) and by which the indicated circulation opening (17) is arranged in front of the indicated entrance (20) of said regulation channel defined by the groove in the river cavity below (11).Distribuidor de riego con caudal autorregulado, que comprende un cuerpo hueco (3) que define en su interior una cavidad río arriba (9) que se comunica con una abertura de entrada (10), y una cavidad río abajo (11) que se comunica con una abertura de salida (12), estando las indicadas cavidades río arriba y río abajo (9, 11) separadas una de la otra por una membrana elástica (16), pudiendo la membrana elástica (16) ser deformada aplicándose contra una superficie de apoyo (18) prevista en la cavidad río abajo (11) con el fin de cerrar el acceso libre hacia la indicada abertura de salida (12), estand