The present invention provides a method of suppressingthe formation of a soluble association of an antibody in asolution; a method of suppressing the formation of a chemicallydegraded product of an antibody in a solution; and a methodof stabilizing an antibody in a solution. The presentinvention also provides a solution-type antibody preparationin which the formation of a soluble association is suppressed;a solution-type antibody preparation in which the formationof a chemically degraded product is suppressed; a solution-typeantibody preparation in which the formation of a solubleassociation, the formation of a chemically degraded productand the formation of an insoluble aggregate are suppressed;an agent for suppressing the formation of a soluble associationof an antibody; an agent for suppressing the formation of achemically degraded product of an antibody; and a stabilizingagent for an antibody.