Despite the low oil content of 10 to 40% by weight of oils and fats, and low oil foaming oil-in-water emulsion with excellent shape retention high emulsion stability, whipping properties, of the whip after, melting in the mouth of, to taste It is to provide. Fat, contains water and protein, fats and oils is a 10 to 40 wt%, more than 60% of the oil phase is a lauric fat having an iodine value of 40 or less and has a melting point of 40 ℃ ~68 ℃ It is a low oil content oil-in-water emulsion which is characterized in that it comprises one hard fat, lauric fat is a non-transesterified fats, for oil-in-water emulsion as a whole, hard fat 0.5-5 are percent by weight, and the low oil oil-in-water emulsion total solids content is 14-44% by weight.油脂分10~40重量%の低油分であるにもかかわらず、高い乳化安定性、ホイップ性、ホイップ後の保形性、口溶け性、風味に優れた低油分起泡性水中油型乳化物を提供する事にある。油脂、蛋白質及び水を含み、油脂分が10~40重量%であって、油相中の60%以上がラウリン系油脂であり、融点が40℃~68℃であり且つヨウ素価が40以下である硬質油脂を含むことを特徴とする低油分水中油型乳化物であり、ラウリン系油脂が非エステル交換脂であって、硬質油脂が水中油型乳化物全体に対して、0.5~5重量%であり、全固形分が14~44重量%である低油分水中油型乳化物である。