< Topic >The falling door mistaking, falling, the opening remains in lower part, furthermore after, animal capture closes completely falling door with such as point lifting operation of the animal without the opening, offers the foot finger justification prevention device which point lifting operation from now on becomes impossible effectively.SolutionsThe hole which is penetrated completely together opens the liner and the table board and rotary board 2, and pin 10 passes, focusing on this pin can turn the rotary board. As for the hole of the rotary board in the long hole it can rise and fall the rotary board in the range of the long hole. The left lateral of the rotary board has approached to the side board of computer case 3, as for the rotary board not be able to turn the clockwise, until upper angle of the rotary board hits to the inside of the side board of the computer case to counterclockwise, it can turn. When the falling door fell, when it hits on the dextral top of the rotary board, pushing down the rotary board, it releases from fixing, but falling is stopped in the range of the long hole. By the point lifting operation of the animal, when the load of the falling door is gone, the rotary board to turn the counter clockwise simultaneously, because it deviates from the bottom of the falling door, the falling door furthermore falling, the door closes completely.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】落下扉が誤って落下しても下部に隙間が残り、しかも、動物捕獲後は動物の鼻上げ動作等で落下扉が隙間なく完全に閉まり、以後の鼻上げ動作が効果的にできなくなる足指詰め防止装置を提供する。【解決手段】裏板と表板および回転板2は、共に貫通する孔が開いておりピン10が通されて、このピンを中心に回転板が回転できる。回転板の孔は長孔で回転板は長孔の範囲で上下できる。回転板の左側面が本体ケース3の側板に近接しており、回転板は時計方向には回転できず、反時計方向へは回転板の上部角が本体ケースの側板の内面にあたるまで回転できる。落下扉が落下した時、回転板の右上端にあたると回転板を押し下げて固定から解放するが長孔の範囲で落下を食い止める。動物の鼻上げ動作により、落下扉の荷重が無くなると同時に回転板が反時計方向に回転し落下扉の下端から外れるので落下扉がさらに落下して扉が完全に閉じる。【選択図】図1