the invention solves the problem razbremenjevanja human spine, and the body in general, when the individual is sitting on the office chair or other during driving or elsewhere, where prolonged sitting position not to avoid. the invention is a transportable, and can be used in all types of seats with the seat back, and the purpose of the complements, it offers support to the front side.belt for razbremenjevanje spine through openings (1) or other means for mounting on the chair (x) installed in the (x), then the user sitting on the chair. the back pressure on the internal layer (4b) and set the layer (2b), in which the braces (3) through the abdomen. the user then with the belt on which is located a urchins (6b), fastened on the outer belt layer (2a).finally, the use of additional bands (5, 5 ), which itself regulates the strength and a lashing and securing system (5b) attached to the strength, the layer corresponding to the braces (2a).Izum rešuje problem razbremenjevanja človekove hrbtenice, s tem pa telesa nasploh, ko posameznik sedi za pisarniškim ali drugim stolom, med vožnjo ali drugje, kjer se daljšemu sedečemu položaju ne da izogniti. Izum je prenosljiv, uporaba pa možna pri vseh vrstah sedežev z naslonjalom, pri čemer dopolnjuje namen hrbtnega naslonjala, saj nudi oporo tudi s prednje strani. Pas za razbremenjevanje hrbtenice se prek odprtine (1) oz. drugega načina za nameščanje na naslonjalo stola (X) namesti na naslonjalo (X), nato uporabnik sede na stol. se s hrbtom pritisne na notranjo plast (4B) in si nastavi notranjo plast (2B) v kateri so opornice (3) prek trebuha. Uporabnik nato z koncem pasu, na katerem se nahajajo moški ježki (6B), pričvrsti pas na zunanjo plast (2A). Nazadnje uporabi dodatna pasova (5, 5), s katerima sam regulira jakost pričvrstitve in ju s sistemom za zapenjanje (5B) pripne z jakostjo, ki mu najbolj ustreza, na plast z opornicami (2A).