Process of manufacturing blocks for farming and the blocks is provided. The process includes the steps of heating poly lactic acid (PLA), mixing with plant-based powder, and shaping into non-toxic, permeable blocks. Further, the blocks laid on the farm land can block sunlight and inhibit weed growth on the land. Furthermore, the blocks are biodegradable as fertilizer.本發明之農業用地膜之製程及其成品,主要加熱、攪拌及塑形等製程步驟,使得丙交酯聚酯(Poly Lactic Acid,PLA)經加熱並混合植物廢棄資源後,再透過攪拌及塑形而製作出完全無毒性、無汙染的地膜,不僅可阻隔光照並抑制雜草生長,同時具高透氣性,可促進土壤通氣,有利微生物生存的地膜;此外,由於完全係由植物所製成,因此使微生物可完全分解,甚至在作物採收後可翻耕掩埋作為有機養分,完全不需回收的繁雜作業。1...農業用地膜之製程10...加熱11...攪拌12...塑形