A brainwave monitoring device comprises a sensor module and a calculation module. The sensor module senses a brainwave signal during a determination period. The calculation module comprises a characteristic value retrieving unit, a brainwave phase determination unit, a calculation unit and an output port. The characteristic value retrieving unit calculates at least a characteristic value for the brainwave signal. The brainwave phase determination unit receives the at least characteristic value and determines a phase A pattern and a phase B pattern of the brainwave signal by comparing the at least characteristic value with a threshold value. The calculation unit calculates a time period for a cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) between the phase A and B patterns of the brainwave signal and calculates a CAP rate. The output port outputs a signal representing the CAP rate.一種睡眠腦波監測裝置,包含一訊號感測模組和一運算模組。訊號感測模組係供感測一判斷時間之一腦波訊號。運算模組包含一特徵值擷取單元、一腦波相位判斷單元、一運算單元和一訊號輸出埠。特徵值擷取單元計算腦波訊號之至少一特徵值訊號。腦波相位判斷單元接收該至少一特徵值訊號,並藉著比較該至少一特徵值訊號與一比較門檻值來判斷腦波訊號中之A相位訊號和B相位訊號。運算單元判斷腦波訊號於A相位訊號和B相位訊號之間切換的腦波循環交替模式時間,並計算一腦波循環交替模式比值。訊號輸出埠輸出代表腦波循環交替模式比值之輸出訊號。1...訊號感測模組2...運算模組21...切割單元22...特徵值擷取單元23...腦波相位判斷單元24...運算單元25...訊號輸出埠3...顯示單元4...儲存單元