1. A method of irradiating a target comprising the steps of: generating a proton beam from a cyclotron, wherein said proton beam consists of many protons providing first information for energy selection system selecting said plurality of energy levels of protons by said energy selection system based on said first information, wherein said first information includes the depth of said target routing said proton beam from said cyclotron channel transmission beam to the scanning system bespechenii second information to said scanning system, wherein said second information comprises a pair of transverse coordinates and the target dose, the direction of said proton beam with a magnetic structure on said target portion defined by said second information ioblucheniya said target by said plurality protonov.2. A method according to claim 1, further comprising a power supply control step of said magnetic structure on the basis of the energy of said proton puchka.3. A method according to claim 1, wherein said magnetic structure includes a magnet x-direction and y-napravleniya.4 magnet. A method according to claim 1, further comprising the steps of: routing said proton beam from said cyclotron on said channel to a second transmission beam scanning system, wherein said target is a tumor, wherein said scanning system is placed in one or more procedural kabinetah.5. A method according to claim 1, wherein said superconducting cyclotron is tsiklotronom.6. A method according to claim 1, further comprising a1. Способ облучения мишени, включающий стадии:генерирования протонного пучка с помощью циклотрона, где указанный протонный пучок состоит из множества протоновобеспечения первой информации для системы выбора энергиивыбора уровня энергии указанного множества протонов с помощью указанной системы выбора энергии на основании указанной первой информации, где указанная первая информация включает глубину указанной мишенимаршрутизации указанного протонного пучка от указанного циклотрона по к