The bright offers of this Hair change the queen bee cream that the square method of the ratio of the 68 and 64,000 white Quality of Seoul Dayton (kDa) MRJP3 eggs, System Prepare phases More whats Right in Change queen bee creams are newborn according to Group queen bees, and the white Quality ratios The of the egg containing 68 and 64kDa changes the method for the queen bee cream of the MRJP3 of Change and obtained by preceding method institute System. This Hair is bright also to provide the method for Cu Jin queen bees sub- Sheng Long, and The methods include bright queen bee Ru Hello food queen bee of Yi this Hair. Bright another provide of this Hair cultivates big queen bee of the normal As of Ge Body More, queen bee pupa and the method for queen bee.本發明提供改變蜂王乳中68及64千道爾頓(kDa)MRJP3蛋白質之比例的方法、製備相較於對照組蜂王乳,含68及64kDa蛋白質比例經改變之MRJP3之蜂王乳的方法、以及由前述方法所製得之蜂王乳。本發明亦提供促進蜂王子生長之方法,該方法包括以本發明之蜂王乳餵食蜂王子。本發明另提供培育個體較正常為大之蜂王子、蜂王蛹、及蜂王之方法。