The invention discloses a production method solid preparation: dissolvingwater-insolubleand/or water indissolvable alkaline active pharmaceutical ingredient in aacidifier-containingacid solution to obtain medicated acid liquid; homogeneously mixing alkalizer,adjuvants andthe said medicated acid liquid, and carrying out wet granulation; wherein thesaid alkalizer isthe reagent to reduce the acidity of the mixture of the alkalizer and themedicated acid liquidrelative to the acidity of the medicated acid liquid. The invention alsodiscloses the solidpreparation produced by the method.The preparation method in the presentinvention avoidsthe problems in mechanical pulverization, such as environmental pollution,great loss andserious security risks. This method is simply operated, has high safetycoefficient and isconvenient for industrialized production. The solid preparation produced bythe method hasbetter dissolution performance than that produced by prior art, and has betteror at leastequivalent stability and content uniformity with prior art.