The useful model refers to the field of psychophysiology of labor and legal psychology and can be used to determine the severity of professionally important qualities in investigators, allowing them to successfully investigate criminal cases of terrorist orientation.The device for determining the professional suitability of investigators to work in criminal cases of a terrorist orientation is made in the form of a cube, the lower edge of which has a supporting and rotary mechanism in the upper edge of the built-in acoustic speakers, a USB port for connecting a drive with non-volatile memory, a dual-mode indicator of serviceability of the device the first side face of the cube has a built-in touch screen in the second lateral face of the cube is built a tremorometric panel with a probe, the labyrinth of which is made in the form of two spiraling tracks unfolded in different directions, connected by horizontal segments with a U-shaped section in the third lateral face of the cube is built a teplpingovaya panel with a probe, the fourth side edge of the cube built-in registration of the critical frequency of light flashes, inside the cube built-in switching module,The technical result achieved by the claimed set of features is to simplify the definition of the professional suitability of investigators to work in criminal cases of a terrorist nature.Полезная модель относится к области психофизиологии труда и юридической психологии и может применяться для определения выраженности профессионально важных качеств у следователей, позволяющих им успешно расследовать уголовные дела террористической направленности.Устройство для определения профессиональной пригодности следователей к работе по уголовным делам террористической направленности выполнено в виде куба, в нижнюю грань которого встроено опорно-поворотный механизм в верхнюю грань встроены акустические динамики, USB-порт для подключения накопителя с энергонезависимой памятью, двухрежимный индикатор исправности устройства