1. A method of forming an ophthalmic device comprising: applying an organic semiconductor layer on a substrate, separating said substrate the slide parts, each of which comprises an organic semiconductor, for attachment of the insertion portion inserting an ophthalmic lens, the formation of the encapsulating layer around linzy.2 ophthalmic inserts. The method of claim. 1, wherein the substrate is silicone plastina.3. A method according to Claim. 1 wherein the encapsulating layer is paralen.4. The method of claim. 3, which forms the encapsulating layer around the insert linzy.5 hydrogel. A method according to claim. 4 soderzhaschiyformirovanie additionally at least one gate conductor on podlozhke.6. The method of claim. 5, further soderzhaschiyrazmeschenie feeder element on a substrate with an electrical connection to the first gate provodnikom.7. The method of claim. 6, is in element kotorompitayuschy electrochemical elementom.8. The method of claim. 1, wherein the organic semiconductor layer comprises an organic semiconductor n-tipa.9. The method of claim. 1, wherein the organic semiconductor layer comprises an organic semiconductor p-tipa.10. The method of claim. 1, wherein the organic semiconductor layer contains an organic p-type semiconductor and the organic n-type semiconductor and kombinatsiyu.11. A method according to claim. 8, wherein the organic semiconductor layer comprises copper geksadekaftoroftalotsianin (FCuPc) .12. The method of claim. 9, wherein the organic semiconductor layer comprises a p-type pentatsen.13. The method of claim. 6, wherein the feeder element is composed of more than one electrochemical cell at least partially connected1. Способ формирования офтальмологического устройства, содержащий:нанесение органического полупроводникового слоя на подложкуразделение указанной подложки на вставные части, каждая из которых содержит органический полупроводникприкрепление вставной части на вставку офтальмологической линзыформирование инкапсулирующего