1. An apparatus (14) for the control system (11) control animals, wherein the animal comprises the automatic control system of item (13) for the automatic preparation of teat preparation teats of dairy animals to be milked, and the milking system (12) for milking dairy animals after as their nipples were prepared, and the automatic preparation of the nipples point located separately from the milking system, and a control device operatively coupled to the nipples point of preparation and a milking system and is characterized by: - the first settlement with COROLLARY (14a), provided for the calculation of the time remaining before the milking system is ready to accept a new milking animal to be milked, - second calculation means (14b), provided for the calculation, for the dairy animal in treatment point nipples, time for the preparation of the teats of dairy animal u initiating means (14c), provided to launch the automatic preparation of dairy animal teats in time, which depends on said estimated time remaining before the milking system is ready to accept a new milking animal being milked and from the said estimated time for preparation of the teats of dairy zhivotnogo.2. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the initiating means is configured to start the preparation of dairy animal teats in such time, to prepare the teats of dairy animal in the preparation paragraph nipple was complete approximately when the milking system is ready to accept a new milking animal subject doeniyu.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the first calc1. Устройство (14) управления для системы (11) управления животными, при этом система управления животными содержит автоматический пункт (13) подготовки сосков для автоматической подготовки сосков дойных животных, подлежащих доению, и доильную систему (12) для доения дойных животных после того, как их соски были подготовлены, при этом автоматический пункт подготовки сосков расположен отдельно от доильной системы, а устройство уп