This Hair is bright to be related to comprising 2% to 5% meter Snow Seoul, 0.01% to 15% Finasteride and 0.01% to 15% prostaglandin Class closes object like Wu Group. It is applied in scheme in a Ge Real, the prostaglandin Class is Latanoprost like object. Gifted Election Real applies , Suo Shu Group in scheme and closes object comprising 5% meter Snow Seoul, 0.1% Finasteride and 0.03% Latanoprost. The bright It of this Hair is related to Suo Shu Group conjunction object what and lacks Off Hair in people Right Xiang Zhong Minus and/or increase the regenerated purposes of hair Hair.本發明涉及包含2%至5%的米諾地爾、0.01%至15%的非那雄胺和0.01%至15%的前列腺素類似物的組合物。在一個實施方案中,所述前列腺素類似物爲拉坦前列素。在優選實施方案中,所述組合物包含5%的米諾地爾、0.1%的非那雄胺和0.03%的拉坦前列素。本發明還涉及所述組合物用於在人對象中減少脫髮和/或增加毛髮再生的用途。