1. A method for determining the reduction of sweating test composition comprising: a) receiving the amount of water in the horny layer on the first portion of the individual skin using confocal Raman spectroscopy, b) applying the composition on the first test area of the skin of the individual, c) implementation of the individual activities to make individual sweat, d) receiving the amount of water in the stratum corneum of the skin at the first site after the individual activity using confocal Raman spectroscopy, iposleduyuschee determining the difference in water quantity from the first area of skin before and after aktivnosti.2. The method of claim. 1, wherein determining the difference in the amounts of water from the first section of skin before and after the activity consists of subtracting the amount of water after the activity of the individual from the amount of water to the activity of the first portion of the individuals skin, and dividing by the number of water before activity at the first area of skin .3. The method of claim. 1, wherein the amount of water in the horny layer was measured at a depth of at least 15 microns, optionally at least 20 microns or at least 30 mikronov.4. A method according to Claim. 1, in which the skin is measured in the stratum corneum to a depth of 50 mikronov.5. The method of claim. 1, wherein the skin horny layer measured at a depth of 20 microns, optionally up to a depth of 30 mikronov.6. A method according to Claim. 1 further comprising applying at least one additional test structure for an additional area of skin of the individual, receiving the amount of water at least one further portion of the skin of an individual before and after the activity of the individual, using confocal Raman spectra1. Способ определения уменьшения потоотделения для тестируемого состава, включающий:a) получение количества воды в роговом слое на первом участке кожи индивидуума, используя конфокальную рамановскую спектроскопию,b) нанесен