The heat-resistant protective agent of the present invention has a mass percentage of raffinose 1% to 5%, maltose 5% to 10%, sucrose 15% to 30%, lactose 1% to 5%, glucose 1% to 5%, polysorbate 80. Contains 1% to 1.5%, polyethylene glycol 8000 0.1% to 0.5%, tyrosine 0.5% to 3%, fibroin 3% to 6%, the remainder being water for injection. Moreover, this invention discloses the manufacturing method of a heat-resistant protective agent. The present invention further discloses a swine cholera live vaccine that can be stored at room temperature and a method for producing the same, and after mixing a heat-resistant protective agent and swine cholera virus solution, a swine cholera live vaccine is obtained through vacuum gradient drying. The vaccine produced by the present invention is a dry foam with a fine appearance, and exhibits a glass-like lamellar structure when observed with a scanning electron microscope. Its glass transition temperature reaches 50 ° C. or higher, which is higher than that of a normal freeze-dried vaccine. It is higher than 30 ° C and can be stored at 37 ° C for 3 months and at 25 ° C for 1 year. [Selection figure] None本発明の耐熱保護剤は、質量パーセンテージでラフィノース1%~5%、麦芽糖5%~10%、蔗糖15%~30%、ラクトース1%~5%、ブドウ糖1%~5%、ポリソルベート80 0.1%~1.5%、ポリエチレングリコール8000 0.1%~0.5%、チロシン0.5%~3%、フィブロイン3%~6%を含み、残りは注射用水である。また、本発明は耐熱保護剤の製造方法を開示する。本発明はさらに室温で保存可能な豚コレラ生ワクチンとその製法を開示し、耐熱保護剤と豚コレラウィルス溶液を混合した後、真空勾配乾燥を経て豚コレラ生ワクチンを得る。本発明で製造したワクチンは、外観が緻密な乾燥した泡状で、走査型電子顕微鏡で観察するとガラス様のラメラ構造を呈し、そのガラス転移温度は50℃以上に達し、通常の凍結乾燥ワクチンより30℃以上も高く、37℃で3ヶ月、25℃で1年保存することができる。【選択図】なし