The intrinsically disordered sequences - or "intrinsic disorder sequences" or IDSeq - proteins should be flexible to ensure a controlled interaction between proteins. In the development of the diseases, IDSeq are modified and polymerized. The invention describes the method of preparation of the drugs against cancers, the degenerative diseases and the infectious illness, by the induction of an immune reaction against IDSeq modified in a covalent way (IDSeqC) and polymerized (pIDSeqC), and leading to a new network of protein signaling, named here "misfoldome", causing the diseases. The invention describes the preparation of vaccines by the use of polymers of IDSeqC. Peptides of the pIDSeqC are prepared in vitro, and introduced into a living organism to induce an immunological response, which eliminates the "misfoldome" and cures the diseases. The method is employed for the preparation of active or passive vaccines. The technology is adapted to detect, prevent or cure the diseases associated with ageing such as the degenerative diseases, cancers, and infections.