The utility model relates to a crystalline drug addictive salt of fallopian tube, which comprises a formula azabiphenylmethylbenzoic acid derivative (I),R1 is the pitch of C1-C4, C3-C4 and CF3; G1 is n, CH, C (CH3) or C (CF3);G2 is a selective phenyl substance, which is replaced by chlorine, fluorine, thyroid, tetraethyl benzene, isopropyl, trifluoroide and CF3. The most popular compounds are: 5-cyclopentanediol-2 - [2 - (2,6-difluorophenyl) pyridine-5-il] carbamate, 5-cyclopentanediol-2 - [2 - (2 - (trifluoromethyl) phenyl) pyridine-5-il] amino], benzoate, 5-methyl-2 - [6 - (2,3-difluorophenyl) pyridine. A pharmaceutical composer was also mentioned These salts inhibit dihydrophosphate dehydrogenase (DHODH) and are useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psychosis, etc.REFERIDA A UNA SAL DE ADICION CRISTALINA DE TROMETAMINA CON UN DERIVADO DE ACIDO DE AZABIFENILAMINOBENZOICO DE FORMULA (I), DONDE R1 ES ALQUILO C1-C4, CICLOALQUILO C3-C4 Y CF3; G1 ES N, CH, C(CH3) O C(CF3); G2 ES UN GRUPO FENILO OPCIONALMENTE SUSTITUIDO CON CLORO, FLUORO, METOXI, ETOXI, ISOPROPOXI, TRIFLUOROMETOXI, CF3, ENTRE OTROS. SON COMPUESTOS PREFERIDOS: SAL DE TROMETAMINA DE ACIDO 5-CICLOPROPIL-2-{[2-(2,6-DIFLUOROFENIL)PIRIMIDIN-5-IL]AMINO}BENZOICO, SAL DE TROMETAMINA DE ACIDO 5-CICLOPROPIL-2-{[2-(2-(TRIFLUOROMETIL)FENIL)PIRIMIDIN-5-IL]AMINO}BENZOICO, SAL DE TROMETAMINA DE ACIDO 5-METIL-2-{[6-(2,3-DIFLUOROFENIL)PIRIDIN-3-IL]AMINO}BENZOICO, ENTRE OTROS. TAMBIEN ESTA REFERIDA A UNA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA. DICHAS SALES INHIBEN LA DIHIDROOROATO DESHIDROGENASA (DHODH) Y SON UTILES EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE ARTRITIS REUMATOIDE, ESCLEROSIS MULTIPLE, PSORIASIS, ENTRE OTRAS