ADIATULLIN, Adel Vladimirovich,АДИАТУЛЛИН, Адель Владимирович,NAUMOVA, Anna Aleksandrovna,НАУМОВА, Анна Александровна,SEROV, Igor Evgenyevich,СЕРОВ, Игорь Евгеньевич,KOLKOVA, Kseniya Mikhaylovna,КОЛКО
The invention relates to methods for measuring the memorability of a multimedia message and consists in applying electrodes to the head of a user using the 10-20 system and with reference electrodes mounted on the earlobes or mastoids of said user, wherein the electrodes applied to the head are placed at points C3, C4, T3, T4, P3 and F4 determined according to the international 10-20 system of electrode placement; recording indices of brain activity while the user is shown a multimedia message; determining the values of the following on the basis of the results of the recording: the entropy (Э) of the lead for the C3 electrode; a first lead coherency (К1) that is equal to the coherency of the leads for the T3 and T4 electrodes in a range of 30-45 Hz; a second lead coherency (К2) that is equal to the coherency of the leads for the C4 and T4 electrodes in a range of 4-8 Hz; a third lead coherency (К3) that is equal to the coherency of the leads for the P3 and F4 electrodes in a range of 8-13 Hz; setting for Э a weighting coefficient of memorability (КЗЭ); setting for К1, К2 and К3 respectively a first, second and third weighting coefficient of memorability (КЗ1, КЗ2 and КЗ3, respectively); and determining the memorability of the multimedia message (ЗМ) by calculating the sum of the products of КЭ*Э, КЗ1*К1, КЗ*К2 and КЗ3*К3 for Э, К1, К2 and К3 determined for the multimedia message.L'invention concerne des procédés de mesure de la mémorabilité d'un message multimédia qui consistent, en utilisant un système 10-20 et des électrodes de référence disposées dans les lobes du pavillon de l'oreille ou les mastoïdes de l'utilisateur, à placer sur la tête de l'utilisateur des électrodes disposées aux points С3, С4, Т3, Т4, Р3 et F4, qui sont déterminés selon le schéma internationnal de disposition d'électrodes 10-20%; on enregistre les indices d'activité du cerveau lors de la présentation à un utilisateur d'un message multimédia, et on détermine en fonction de l'enregistrement