This invention is a good machine to make the dried coffee beans. It can movably let the exteriors of coffee fruits evenly get in touch with the air and sunshine by a netted bucket. It can move away at any time by rolling wheels on the bottom to avoid rain’s sprinkling to the coffee beans. On the other hand, the electric power can collocate with the optical-path DIP switch (120).本發明係製作日曬咖啡豆的良好機器,可機動式地以網式圓桶使咖啡果四周圍均勻接觸空氣及日曬,也可靠底座滾輪隨時遷移,以避免雨淋至咖啡豆;而本發明之另一特徵為電源還可搭配光路指撥開關(120)。101...29G型比對IC102...電源120...光路指撥開關121...光路指撥開關之右下側緣122...指撥點123...光路指撥開關之左側緣125...光敏電阻126...類比至數位轉換積體電路ADC0905127...能發射白色光束之照明裝置-如白色雷射光筆等131...一般電鈴或警示燈132...光路指撥開關之塗抹黑漆之外壁-除了白光進入點及七色光出口點之外133...直立黑色擋板