The present invention is heated for 5 to 7 minutes, the tea leaf harvesting to can form a color and flavor and aroma tinge the sake of high productivity, economical and green tea by a simple production process at 250 ~ 300 ℃ contained in the tea leaves a normal cost and salcheong step of preventing oxidation by destroying oxidase, and was rapidly cooled to prevent oxidation-treated tea leaves through salcheong stage cooling step to prevent the discoloration of the tea leaves, the discoloration is prevented tea leaves via the cooling step note that by using a bibyeoju for 20 to 25 minutes in mind and for 30 minutes to dry the tea leaves via the noted step in a hot air having a temperature of 70 ~ 80 ℃ to a water content of dried to consist of a 3-5% by weight sample manufacturing process of manufacturing a sample through a drying step and Water manufacturing process after heating the water to 100 ℃ removal of the sterilized and cooled to 80 ℃ japnae producing a water and At a temperature of 90 ~ 95 ℃ After the sample containing the prepared sample prepared in the step a sieve of 200 to 300 mesh, immersion in a water 10ℓ per sample 1kg in the produced water through the water production process heating for 4 hours extracting step for extracting the extract and It provides a method for producing green tea extract liquor comprising a concentration step for concentrating the extract liquid extracted through the extraction process to 1/2 based on the weight by a conventional thickener.본 발명은 제조공정이 단순하여 생산성이 높아 경제적이며 녹차의 색과 맛 및 향이 가미된 술을 형성할 할 수 있 수 있도록 채엽된 차잎을 250~300℃에서 5~7분 동안 가열하여 찻잎에 함유된 산화효소를 파괴함으로써 산화를 방지하는 살청단계와, 살청단계를 통해 산화방지처리된 찻잎을 급속냉각시켜 찻잎의 변색을 방지하는 냉각단계와, 상기 냉각단계를 통해 변색이 방지된 찻잎을 통상의 유념기를 이용하여 20~25분 동안 비벼주는 유념단계와, 상기 유념단계를 경유한 찻잎을 70~80℃의 온도를 가지는 열풍으로 30분간 건조하여 수분함량이 3~5%중량로 이루어지도록 건조하는 건조단계를 통해 시료를 제조하는 시료제조공정과 물을 100℃까지 가열하여 살균 및 잡내를 제거한 후 80℃까지 식혀 용수를 제조하는 용수제조공정과 상기 시료제조공정을 통해 제조된 시료를 200~300메쉬의 거름망에 담고, 상기 용수제조공정을 통해 제조된 용수에 시료 1kg당 용수 10ℓ로 하여 침수시킨 후 90