The parameters mimicking the common fruit/vegetable storage environment, that may affect the ethylene adsorption were studied in terms of temperature, flow rate, oxygen concentration, initial ethylene concentration, and relatively humidity. Ethylene sorption capacity measurements were carried out in a plug flow reactor using 4.0 g of Pd-zeolite with different composition of initial ethylene concentration between 10 and 150 μl-l-1, oxygen concentration from 0.02 to 21% (general concentration in air), temperature between 10 and 50 ℃, flow rate of 100 to 1000 sccm, and relative humidity (RH) from ca. 0 to 100 % balanced with nitrogen. The optimum conditions of the ethylene adsorption on the palladium-modified zeolite were established. Further laboratory-based tests on fruit/vegetable sample (banana/cabbage) were carried out with the measurements of the firmness, the peel color, and storage environmental ethylene concentration. Results showed that the palladium-modified zeolite material can effectively prolong the shelf-life of fresh fruits and vegetable.本發明利用奈米保鮮材料進行不同環境因子模擬儲藏環境吸附測試,並建立最佳保鮮貯運之條件,以連續動態式反應系統調控環境因子,包含10~150ppmv之初始乙烯濃度、氧濃度、100~1000 sccm之流量及10~50℃環境溫度,藉以模擬實際蔬果倉儲環境,將實驗所獲得之最佳環境條件,得以應用於蔬果保鮮貯藏技術或發展相關之設備,使奈米保鮮材料發揮最佳保鮮效能。10...流量控制器11...乙烯12...氧13...氮20...反應器21...添加鈀之沸石30...混合器40...氣相層析儀