< Topic >The handicapped person and the old person etc of the hand, having tableware such as bowl easily in the hand, the tableware holder which can handle is offered.SolutionsVis-a-vis tableware A the tableware holder 1 which installation and removal unrestrictedly is installed, the resin make which has elasticity as the thing just, as cartridge head A1 of the tableware from the lower part the ring condition acceptance section the engagement claw part 20 which installation and removal unrestrictedly is engaged and ring condition acceptance section it has 10 and engagement claw part 20 for the upper aperture edge A2 of 10 which installation and removal unrestrictedly is accepted and the tableware on the both ends, the halfway section in order to face, bending the same direction, as the ring condition acceptance section and the engagement claw part it consists of with the band-like itself 30 which becomes.< Choice figure >Drawing 2【課題】手の不自由な人や老人等が、茶碗等の食器を容易に手に持って扱うことができる食器保持具を提供する。【解決手段】食器Aに対して着脱自在に取り付けられる食器保持具1であって、弾性を備えた樹脂製一体物として、食器の底部A1を下方から着脱自在に受け入れるリング状受入部10と、食器の上部開口縁A2に着脱自在に係合する係合爪部20と、リング状受入部10と係合爪部20とを両端に備えると共にその途中部をリング状受入部と係合爪部とが同方向を向くように曲げてなる帯状本体30とからなる。【選択図】図2