The present invention relates to a device for provisional cardiac stimulation during replacement of pacemakers (PMs). Said device enables fitting on an electrode catheter separated from the pocket of the PM of a radio-frequency coil (2) connected to an external apparatus (3) for generating variable-frequency pulsed signals. The device according to the invention can be used in the case of both unipolar and bipolar electrodes. According to a preferential embodiment, a sterile plate or electrode is set subcutaneously and connected to the external generator (3) for completing reclosing for cardiac stimulation, hi the event where there is the need to intervene in order to replace of a PM with bipolar electrodes, the subcutaneous plate is preferentially used the subcutaneous plate is preferentially used as positive electrode, used RF stimulation will in this case be performed in a unipolar way by the combined action of the plate and of the electrode probe of the electrode catheter.