It relates to a method for treating a gastrointestinal recurrent Clostridium difficile infection in a Subject that has been subjected to more than one prior treatment, Said method comprising administering to a subject a Pharmaceutical composition containing a compound of formula (i) and hidroxitolue Not hydroxyanisole.The pharmaceutical composition comprises at least 93% of the compound of formula (i), which is administered in the form of a tablet or capsule suspensionSE REFIERE A UN METODO PARA TRATAR UNA INFECCION GASTROINTESTINAL RECURRENTE DE CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE EN UN SUJETO QUE HA SIDO SOMETIDO A MAS DE UN TRATAMIENTO PREVIO, DICHO METODO COMPRENDE ADMINISTRAR A UN SUJETO UNA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA QUE CONTIENE UN COMPUESTO DE FORMULA (I) E HIDROXITOLUENO BUTILADO. LA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA COMPRENDE AL MENOS 93% DEL COMPUESTO DE FORMULA (I), LA CUAL SE ADMINISTRA EN FORMA DE UNA TABLETA, CAPSULA O SUSPENSION