The creation in related to a improved device of perfume pervasion, including: a bottle、a jet pipe, a diversion canal, a motor and a guide tube. The characteristic is that a guide tube interlinked connecting a air input hole of the bottle bottom side and a air output hole of the motor. When the motor feeding air to the bottle by air input hole that perfume pervasion with mixing air.本創作係為一種改良之擴香裝置,包含有一透明瓶體、一噴氣管、一導流管、一固定凸桿、一導氣管及一抽氣馬達所組成,主要係該擴香裝置透明瓶體,頂部開設一瓶口,底部突設一固定凸桿;一抽氣馬達,該抽氣馬達具有出氣口與固定座孔;其特徵在於:擴香裝置透明瓶體底部之固定凸桿側邊突設一進氣口,並連設有一噴氣管及噴氣管口,另該固定凸桿延伸至該擴香裝置透明瓶體內設有一導流管,該導流管之一端具有導流出口,而另一端則具有導流入口,該噴氣口恰與該導流出口接觸,以使香氣氣體得以均分發散於空氣中。10‧‧‧擴香裝置20‧‧‧擴香裝置透明瓶體30‧‧‧抽氣馬達31‧‧‧抽氣馬達出氣口40‧‧‧導氣管60‧‧‧固定座孔